Pollinator Pathway

Pollinator Pathway NW began at 21 Acres in Woodinville, a living laboratory focused on climate solutions and farm stewardship. Building on the work of www.pollinator-pathway.org, a small volunteer group in partnership with 21 Acres, envisions a similar project expanding throughout the Northwest. For more information visit https://21acres.org/

Hawthorn Farm
Homestead garden and orchard filled with things we love to eat.

Demonstration Pollinator Garden at 21 Acres
Situated deep in the heart of the 21 Acres demonstration farm, the Demonstration Pollinator Garden is slowly taking shape. Initial work began in 2019, with volunteers designing and planting a pollinator garden and distributing 100 Mason bee kits to farmers and businesses in the Sammamish Valley. The first two beds were planted in the fall of 2020 while the rest of the garden was covered with black plastic to eliminate the invasive grasses. During 2021 the black plastic was removed and two very large hugel beds were installed to create raised beds above the sodden soil of the Sammamish Valley. The pollinator friendly, native-plant heavy design for the garden is ready and during the fall of 2022 and the spring of 2023 volunteers will complete the planting.
For more information visit www.21acres.org

Spiral Herb Garden at 21 Acres
Located at a central crossroads on the 21 Acres demonstration farm the Spiral Herb Garden was planted in 2008. Its spiral design incorporates the healing properties of reflexology and is densely planted with kitchen herbs for the 21 Acres kitchen and farm market.

Jeanne’s Pollinator Garden
My daughter studied Permaculture in college and I became fascinated with having a Food Forest. I could feed my family, wildlife and pollinators. Seemed so easy. But, of course, it’s a work in progress. I have spent the last 5 years planting perennials for pollinators, fruiting bushes and trees, rhubarb, grapes and raspberries. Did you know they spread? Alas, so do the buttercups and other annoying weeds. But it’s job security and an exercise program. The hummingbirds love the crocosmia and the bees flit merrily from bloom to bloom on the oregano. I am trying to fill the seasons with habitat and sustenance.
Everyone in Washington is welcome to join the Pollinator Pathway NW. We are initially focusing our efforts in the Sammamish Valley region but hope to include all of Washington, other states in the Pacific Northwest and British Columbia as we move forward with habitat creation.
Take the pledge to maintain a healthy, natural landscape and make your garden a pollinator habitat. Stop by 21 Acres and buy a yard sign that proclaims your commitment to our pollinators!
The Pollinator Pathway Pledge:
Grow a variety of pollinator friendly plants that bloom from Spring through Fall.
Plant native flowering trees, shrubs and wildflowers.
Avoid using chemicals, especially insecticides and herbicides.
Talk to my neighbors about the importance of pollinators and their habitats.
Click here to add your garden or project to the Pollinator Pathway NW.