Pollinator Pathway

The Wellesley Natural Resources Commission is launching a Pollinator Pathway Project to create inter-connected pollinator habitat paths of native gardens on town lands, private gardens, schools, houses of worship, and businesses. All are welcome to join, regardless of gardening ability! Watch this space for more information and events in the coming months.
Expanding Pollinator Pathways benefits everyone. The process of creating pollinator friendly habits can also contribute to reduced costs of mowing, better air quality, lower noise levels, more water conservation, improved infiltration, and healthier environment for people and pets.
The NRC hosted one of three demonstration gardens in Massachusetts as part of a grant from Pollinate New England, an initiative of New England Wild Flower Society (NEWFS). In June 2018, town volunteers and staff from the NRC and Dept. of Public Works participated in two educational programs to learn how to help these critical species. The main takeaway of the day: we should be planting more native plants in our open spaces and private yards!
Anchor Gardens

Wellesley Police Department
A pollinator garden in front of the Wellesley Police Department is helping feed and house local birds, bees and other insects that pollinate our plants. These species are vital to our food supply because they ensure healthy crops.
The NRC’s Grow Green Wellesley Initiative is intended to inspire our community to use eco-friendly landscaping methods to protect our health and environment. The town of Wellesley currently maintains all public land - including schools and playing fields - without harmful chemicals, and emphasizes native plants to create biodiversity in town.
Through town-wide events and activities and collaboration with other town departments, the Grow Green Wellesley Initiative promotes education on topics such as natural landscaping, organic lawn care, planting for pollinators, composting, storm water management and more.