Pollinator Pathway

The Washington Pollinator Pathway is an initiative to raise awareness and promote pollinator conservation within the Town of Washington and beyond. In recognition of pollinator's essential ecosystem services and significant threats to their well-being, we are conducting scientific study on the status and connectivity of suitable habitat as well as the success of habitat creation projects to inform how our community can be even more pollinator-friendly. We aim to make Washington a place where pollinators can find what they need to thrive -- native host plants, food resources, nest sites, and quality habitats linked across the landscape.
Town Gardens

Rain Garden at Hidden Valley Preserve
(198 Bee Brook Road, Washington Depot, CT 06794)
The Hidden Valley Rain Garden is located at the main parking lot of Steep Rock Association's Hidden Valley Preserve. Native wildflowers and shrubs are planted in the constructed depression, which serves to reduce runoff into the Shepaug River, filter pollutants, and provide habitat for wildlife.

Judy Black Memorial Park and Gardens
(1 Green Hill Road, Washington Depot, CT 06794)
The Judy Black Park and Gardens is a place where the community comes together. It hosts a variety of plants to the enjoyment of all forms of passerby, but especially pollinating insects.

Butterfly Garden at Macricostas Preserve
(124 Christian Street, New Preston, CT 06777)
Originally planted in 2006, the Butterfly Garden at Steep Rock Association's Macricostas Preserve provides a diverse palette of blooms for pollinating insects and hummingbirds.

Bronson Fields Pollinator Meadow at Hidden Valley Preserve
(198 Bee Brook Road, Washington Depot, CT 06794)
In the northeast corner of Hidden Valley Preserve, Steep Rock Association converted a 3-acre corn field to a meadow of native wildflowers and grasses. As of 2022, the meadow is fully established and supporting a diverse assemblage of wildlife. A community science project is underway to document the impact of this habitat creation project, which entails transect counts of pollinating insects and standardized photo documentation.