Pollinator Pathway

Welcome to the Stratford Pollinator Pathway! We are a part of the larger undertaking to create a corridor of adjacent properties—private residences and public spaces—that provide safe habitat for birds, bees, butterflies and other insects.
Home Gardens

Longbrook Park, Allyndale Drive Entrance
Stratford, Connecticut 06614
Longbrook Park is a beautiful historical 34 acre town park. The Longbrook Park Commission and community volunteers had envisioned a pollinator garden that will support birds, bees, insects and wildlife. This is the first Stratford town park to host a pollinator garden and we hope to educate, inspire and encourage residents to participate in joining the pollinator pathway.

280 River Valley Road
Home pollinator garden that is continually evolving as I continue to add more native plants and remove not native plants. There are some non-natives I will leave as bumble bees seem to enjoy them, such as Catmint.
Please send an email to Stratfordpollinatorpathway@gmail.com