Pollinator Pathway

Welcome to the Sayville Pollinator Pathway!
Sayville is a hamlet located on the South Shore of Long Island in Suffolk County, New York. It is part of Islip Township, which is the third largest Township in The State of New York.
Sayville is home to the Sayville Yacht Club and the Sayville Garden Club.
Sayville Garden Club:
Email: SayvilleGardenClub@gmail.com
The Sayville Garden Club is a group of local residents who are interested in nature, gardening, and community service. The club fosters shared knowledge and cooperation, and has created a friendly and harmonious environment for our group.
The Sayville Garden Club is home to several Community Gardens.
Sayville is part of the Islip Township Pollinator Pathway and is part of the Suffolk Alliance for Pollinators (SAP). For more information, visit https://www.pollinator-pathway.org and www.pollinator-pathway/towns/islip.
We are attempting to identify “qualified “pollinator gardens in Sayville and add them to the L.I. Pollinator Pathway Map. We want to identify gaps and see a lot more butterflies & bees in 2023!
Native Gardens include:
Sparrow Park, the small triangular park at the beginning of South Main Street, is a memorial in honor of local residents who lost their lives while serving their Country. During the spring and summer months, the garden is planted with pretty red geraniums and tended weekly by our volunteers.
Jackie’s Garden/9/11 Garden: This beautiful garden was lovingly planted by the family of a young woman from Sayville who lost her life in the Twin Towers. It is dedicated to her and all who perished on 9/11/2001. Several years ago, the garden was adopted by the Sayville Garden Club and is maintained weekly by our volunteers from March to November. Located on Erwin Street adjacent to the marina.
Gillette House is a beautiful historic house at 47 Gillette Avenue, that is now used as a community center. During the spring and summer months, volunteers plant, water and maintain the landscaping that surrounds the house.
Edwards Homestead Herb Garden: The Homestead was built in 1785 by the Edwards family, the first settlers in Sayville. It is a well preserved farmhouse that serves as the headquarters of the Sayville Historical Society. The Sayville Garden Club has restored the original herb garden and maintains it through the growing season. It is filled with interesting culinary and medicinal herbs and plants, and is an educational community resource. In addition, for the vision impaired, part of the garden acts as a ‘touch and smell’ garden resource. The garden is located at Collins Avenue and Edwards Street, Sayville, NY.
This is “The Long Island Pollinator’s Pathway Map”. If you reside in Sayville and have a “Qualified” Pollinator-Friendly Garden that you would like to add to the map, please click on the link below.
For more information, please visit https://www.pollinator-pathway.org/about and https://www.pollinator-pathway.org/towns/islip.
If you are interested in volunteering in Islip Township Pollinator Pathways, please contact us at Islip.Pollinators@gmail.com.
Thank You.
Islip Township
Supervisor Angie Carpenter (631) 224-5500
Office Address: Town Hall Second Floor, 655 Main Street Islip, New York 11751
Department of Parks & Recreation:
Commissioner Thomas Owens Brookwood Hall 50 Irish Lane East Islip, NY 11730
Email: commissioner-rec@islipny.gov
Website: https://islipny.gov/departments/parks-recreation-and-cultural-affairs
Phone (631) 224-5411 Fax(631) 224-5440
Office Hours: M-F 8:30am to 4:30pm
Department of Environmental Control (DEC)
Commissioner Martin J. Bellew DEC
Office Town Hall West 401 Main Street, Room 302 Islip, NY 11751
Email: commissioner-dec@islipny.gov
Website: https://islipny.gov/departments/environmental-control
Phone (631) 595-3630 Fax (631) 224-5651
Office Hours: M-F 8:30am to 5:00pm
Islip Town Parks Foundation
Website: https://isliptownparksfoundation.org
Sayville Garden Club
Email: SayvilleGardenClub@gmail.com