Pollinator Pathway
Rocky Hill

The Rocky Hill pollinator pathway began in 2022 at our RH Intergenerational Food Pantry garden inspired by Garden Club volunteer Stephanie Heneghan. Stephanie, along with Derek Caelin, Saima Kousar and Ed Chiucarello of Sustainable Rocky Hill are taking the first step in making Rocky Hill pollinator friendly.
Town Gardens

Intergenerational Food Pantry Garden
This garden is run by volunteers and led by town staff in our Human Services dept. This year's effort has been on creating a pollinator section and growing an abundance of food for Rocky Hill residents.
If you are interested in volunteering in the Islip Township Pollinator Pathways, please contact us at Islip.Pollinators@gmail.com.
Sustainable Rocky Hill, RH Human Services, RH Congregational Church, RH Garden Club, RH Girl Scouts, RH Boy Scouts, RH Parks and Rec, Sunny Farms, Cora J. Belden Library, RH High School