Pollinator Pathway
Old Saybrook

Welcome to the Old Saybrook Pollinator Pathway! We are currently underway in creating a corridor of connecting properties, both public and private, which provide beneficial habitat for pollinating birds, bees and insects. The Conservation Commission, Old Saybrook Garden Club and Old Saybrook Land Trust are working together with private citizens and other local organizations to help get the word out through social media, local events and by selling the 6" & 12" Pollinator Pathways Garden signs for $10/$20 respectively to help purchase more native plants to include in future pollinating gardens. Some residents have already taken the pledge and have purchased the signs to place in their gardens. Pollinator Pathways garden signs can be seen in town at the William Parker House, Founders Memorial Park, The O.S. Garden Clubs Constitution Garden at Saybrook Home, Common Good Gardens @ Grace Episcopal Church, The O.S. Historical Society’s Hart House Gardens and the newest public garden at the Vicki Duffy Pavilion at Saybrook Point. The Old Saybrook Conservation Commission, along with help with a class at the Old Saybrook High School, installed this new pollinator garden, with all native plants, located across from the Saybrook Point Duffy Pavilion on June 2021.

To learn more send an email to Land.use@oldsaybrookct.gov, or message the Old Saybrook Conservation Commission on their Facebook page.
Organizations Involved
Old Saybrook Conservation Commission, Old Saybrook Garden Club, Old Saybrook Land Trust