Pollinator Pathway
North Haven

The Pollinator Pathway in North Haven The North Haven Garden Club has put the Town of North Haven on the map as part of the Pollinator Pathway. You will be noticing “Pollinator Pathways” signs as you drive around North Haven and other Towns throughout the state. We have many Pollinator Gardens in North Haven that The North Haven Garden Club has planted and tends to and also Land Trust Properties and Open Space Lands.
WHAT IS A POLLINATOR PATHWAY: It is a wildlife corridor providing habitat and nutrition for pollinators. It includes healthy yards and public spaces for pollinators, pets and families.
WHAT ARE POLLINATORS: Birds, Bees, butterflies and other insects, bats and other mammal, rodents and amphibians.
WHAT DO THEY DO: They move pollen from one plant to another, enabling cross fertilization and allowing the reproduction and the growth of new plants – 35% of our food grows as a result of the work pollinators do.
WHAT IS THREATENING OUR POLLINATORS? Widespread applications of pesticides and other chemicals on lawns, landscaped plantings, and agricultural crops. Climate changes that lead to lack of larval host plants. The loss of habitat as more and more natural environments become urban and suburban. The spread of invasive (non-native) plants.
HOW TO BE PART OF THE POLLINATOR PATHWAY: Plant Native Plants: Trees shrubs and wildflowers native to the area, plant a container or garden with pollinator plants, remove non-native invasive plants. Go Pesticide-Free: Landscape to a minimize tick habitat. Consider organic alternatives to poisons. Rethink Your Lawn: Consider using slow-release organic fertilizers, if any. Leave the clippings on your lawn rather than adding chemicals. Leave some leaves in beds for overwintering insects. Provide a source of clean water for the pollinators and birds. Leave some dirt patches for native ground nesting bees. These are just some of the ways you can help. The North Haven Garden Club invites Residents to join them and sign up to be part of the Pathway. Signs are also available for individual gardens for those that join. To learn more on how you can be a part of the Pathway contact Cindy @ nhgccindy@yahoo.com

Pollinator Garden at Todds Pond
over 800 feet of pollinator friendly plants