Pollinator Pathway
Welcome to Monterey, a proud participant in the Pollinator Pathway project!
In 2020, a few residents got together and established the Monterey Native Plants Working Group with support from our local cultural council. Our mission is to encourage native plants and pollinator-friendly habitats around our town. We have been buoyed by the enthusiasm of our community to build ecological resilience.
In 2021, we lobbied, successfully, for the town to be designated as a pollinator-friendly community - Resolution to make Monterey a Pollinator Friendly Community.
We have established a propagation plot at our community garden and a living interpretive exhibit at our raised bed at Lake Garfield Beach. We have also advised on and helped install a native plants buffer zone along the Konkapot River near the center of town in coordination with the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission and our Parks Commission.
On a monthly basis, our Backyard Ecologist series takes up specific issues related to pollinators, from tips on putting gardens to rest at the end of the season (essentially by leaving them alone) to uprooting invasives and landscaping with meadows.
We look forward to the day when our town is full of native plant gardens and when pollinator corridors throughout our region are strengthened and provide corridors for birds, bees, butterflies, moths and other pollinators.

Native Plant Demonstration Gardens

Bidwell Park Stream Restoration Project
Removing invasives and planting native perennials, shrubs and trees.
Our Partners include:
Town of Monterey, Monterey Community Center, Monterey Library, Berkshire Conservation District, Northeast Organic Farmers Association
Ask to join our mailing list by contacting Pollinators01245@gmail.com.
Or come to one of our monthly Backyard Ecologist events