Pollinator Pathway

The Cayuga Waterfront Trail is an eight-mile multi-use trail that links the City of Ithaca’s key waterfront destinations. The Trail links Stewart Park to Treman Marina following the shores of Cayuga Lake and the Cayuga Inlet,passing Ithaca’s most popular waterfront destinations along the way. It is a safe and accessible path for strolling, running, biking or inline skating. Whether you walk one mile or roll over all eight miles, the wide paved Trail is the best way to experience all that Ithaca’s waterfront has to offer.
Along the way, you will find custom design Waterfront Trail benches and bike racks; interpretive panels; and many trailheads, overlooks and special gardens comprised of mostly native, pollinator plantings. The landscape along the trail definitely trends on the wild side to minimize mowing and maintenance and provide cover and food for the bugs and birds that reside or travel through the area.