Pollinator Pathway

Nestled in the heart of Middlesex County, Massachusetts, Groton is a charming town that epitomizes the quintessential New England experience. With its rich history, picturesque landscapes, and tight-knit community, Groton is a hidden gem that offers a unique blend of tradition and tranquility.
Founded in 1655, Groton boasts a deep historical heritage that is evident in its well-preserved colonial architecture and historic sites. The town played a significant role during the American Revolutionary War and is home to the Groton Historical Society, which works tirelessly to preserve and celebrate the town's past. Notable landmarks include the Groton School, an esteemed private institution established in 1884, and the Old Burying Ground, which offers a glimpse into the lives of Groton’s early settlers.
Groton is renowned for its natural beauty, featuring rolling hills, lush forests, and serene lakes. The town's commitment to preserving its open spaces is reflected in its numerous parks and conservation areas. The Nashua River Rail Trail, a popular destination for hiking, biking, and nature walks, runs through Groton, offering stunning views of the Nashua River and surrounding landscapes.
For those who enjoy a leisurely day outdoors, the town’s parks, such as Lawrence Memorial Park and the Groton Town Forest, provide ample opportunities for picnicking, bird-watching, and exploring nature. The picturesque setting makes Groton a perfect spot for anyone looking to escape the hustle and bustle of city life.

Four Corners Traffic Island
Intersection of Route 119 and Route 225
Planted on state-owned land in May 2014. The Groton DPW assisted the Groton Garden Club by adding twelve inches of soil to the traffic island enabling the planting to begin. Initially planted with bulbs, daylilies, cone flowers, junipers, grasses, iris and sedums. The plant list has changed over the years to include many more native plants.

Carol Wheeler Memorial Park
West Main Street and Townsend Road, West Groton, MA 01450
The Carol Wheeler Memorial Park, next to the Squannacook River in West Groton Village, was created in 2001. Carol Wheeler was a soldier from West Groton who died in combat in 1952 during the Korean War. The park was dedicated to him in 2004. In 2019, Groton Garden Club received permission from the Parks Commission to maintain the front section of the park near the memorial stone and along West Main Street. A major effort was undertaken to clean out and replant the sections along Townsend Road and in front of the planter to create a pollinator garden.

Native Plant Garden at Town Hall
173 Main Street, Groton, MA 01450
This garden was planted at Groton Town Hall in 2021 to provide members of Groton Garden Club the opportunity to use native plants in a public setting. The Club uses this garden to see how these plants perform in Groton and to help us understand the significance native plants have in supporting wildlife and enhancing our ecosystem as well as providing a beautiful garden for the town. The garden is maintained and evaluated by the Club for beauty and performance. The objective is to encourage residents to incorporate these plants into their own gardens. In 2024, native strawberry plants were added under the elm tree as an example of hardy ground cover that can serve as a low-maintenance lawn alternative. Plant List: Culver's Root - Veronicastrum virginicum New England Aster - Symphyotichum novae-angliae Showy Goldenrod - Solidago speciosa Bergamot - Monarda fistulosa Golden Alexander - Zizia aurea Butterfly Weed - Asclepius tuberosa Little Bluestem - Schizchyrium scoparium Prairie Dropseed - Sporobolus heterolepis Lupine - Lupinus perennis Smooth Penstemon - Penstemon digitalis Brown Eyed Susan - Rudbeckia triloba Hoary Mountain Mint - Pyncnanthemum Incanum Dotted Mint - Monarda punctata Orange Coneflower - Rudbeckia fulgida Anise Hyssop - Agastache foeniculum Pussytoes - Antennaria plantaginfolia New York Ironweed - Veronia noveboracensis New England Blazing Star - Liatris novae-angliae Thread Leaf Coreopsis - Coreopsis verticillata Wild Strawberry - Fragaria virginiana