Pollinator Pathway

Welcome to the Clinton Pollinator Pathway.
Our goal is to establish a network of pollinator friendly habitats connecting Clinton gardens to each other, as well as to those in surrounding towns.
Pollinators are essential for the reproduction of flowering plants and to sustain our agricultural crops. However habitats that support pollinators are disappearing at a rapid rate due to climate change, pesticide usage and fragmentation of natural landscapes.
In Clinton, we have started a pollinator-friendly, community-wide initiative that will hopefully gain momentum through individual and organizational awareness, volunteer involvement, and Sustainable CT practices.
Many native bees have a limiting flight range of one half mile, so our gardens need to "link" to provide a safe and nutritious pathway. Gardens, whether large or small, are beneficial when they include a variety of native plants, shrubs, or trees to attract and support native bees, butterflies, moths, hummingbirds, other pollinating insects, and other wildlife.
With a few simple steps you can help:
Introduce native plants to your existing garden
Reduce or eliminate pesticide usage
Convert an area of lawn to a native plant garden
Town Gardens

The Hammocks Pollinator Pathway Garden
The Hammocks on Long Island Sound, Clinton, CT 06413
The Hammocks is a beautiful Over Age 55 Community of upscale homes in Clinton overlooking the marshes and Long Island Sound. A forward-thinking group, consisting of the Chairman of their Landscape Committee and several of his neighbors, have transformed a common space open area into a pollinator’s paradise. Grassed borders along the roads overlooking the marshes that were previously mowed have been allowed to grow into mini meadows of native wildflowers and grasses. The area includes three defined “pocket” pollinator gardens; the first planted in 2020, the second added in 2021, and the third planted in 2022. Native plants found in the gardens are Seaside Goldenrod, Bee Balm, Black-Eyed Susan, Swamp Milkweed, Butterfly Weed, etc. In an effort to provide pollinator plants, which sustain our native birds, bees, and butterflies, The Hammocks Association has demonstrated that balance with nature can be achieved. It is an impressive blend of well-maintained properties, with the natural beauty of native plants!

Girl Scouts Silver Award Pollinator Garden
To satisfy the requirements for their Silver Award Project, Girl Scouts Emerson Dunning and Katrina Harris, of Troop #62191, decided to plant a Pollinator Pathway Garden on a sloped area behind the First Church Congregational in Clinton. With the guidance of Master Gardener Sherry Smith, it was decided to remove the sod to plant during the same season. The girls replaced the topsoil, added compost, and were ready to plant. After being offered several native plant options, the girls selected native pollinator plants: Mountain Mint, Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan, Liatris, Salvia and Butterfly Weed as the backbone of the garden. Donated annuals were planted to add color in the first year. The girls were dedicated and determined; watering their new garden daily to keep ahead of the 2022 drought. The garden is now in its second year and the native plants are flourishing. It’s a job well done by the Girl Scouts – our next generation of environmental stewards!

Indian River Bank Pollinator Pathway Border
In an effort to create a lasting visual impression of our town, a group of energetic volunteers from the Beautification Committee, Arbor Garden Club, Conservation Committee, and several Clinton residents, worked with our civic leaders to plan and plant a Town sponsored Pollinator Pathway Garden for all to enjoy. The scenic area along the Indian River and overlooking a 1860’s arched brick railroad trestle is now a 4x70’ border filled with native pollinator plants: Yarrow, Milkweed, Penstemon, Coneflower, Liatris, Black-eyed Susan, Mountain Mint, Coneflower, and Phlox. Comments from locals and tourists have been very positive and encouraging. We are looking forward to our next Town sponsored project!

Food For All Garden
The Food For All Garden helps our Shoreline community by donating 100% of its fresh produce weekly to the Shoreline Food Pantry. Thanks to our pollinator friends, we grow food to nourish our neighbors in need.
By converting a 70’ by 3.5’ empty border on the outside of the veggie garden to a Pollinator Pathway Garden, we now provide pollinator plants to sustain our native birds, bees, and butterflies.

First Church Courtyard Pollinator Garden
55 Church Road, Clinton, CT 06413
A sunny courtyard at First Church Congregational in Clinton, CT has been redesigned to welcome church members, visitors, and pollinators to our Fellowship Hall entrance. Traditional overgrown boxwoods and non-native grasses were removed and replaced with native pollinator plants such as: Mountain Mint, Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan, Liatris, Salvia, Tickseed Coreopsis, Butterfly Weed, Sedum, and an Annabelle Hydrangea. The area is now both beautiful and beneficial!

First Church Courtyard Pollinator Garden
55 Church Road, Clinton, CT 06413
A sunny courtyard at First Church Congregational in Clinton, CT has been redesigned to welcome church members, visitors, and pollinators to our Fellowship Hall entrance. Traditional overgrown boxwoods and non-native grasses were removed and replaced with native pollinator plants such as: Mountain Mint, Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan, Liatris, Salvia, Tickseed Coreopsis, Butterfly Weed, Sedum, and an Annabelle Hydrangea. The area is now both beautiful and beneficial!
All Clinton pollinator-friendly gardeners can register their own garden online at pollinator-pathway.org where a state database is maintained and updated. Click the button below to join the Pollinator Pathway.
Partner Organizations
Town of Clinton, Clinton Conservation Commission