Pollinator Pathway
Charlotte, Vermont
Welcome to the Charlotte Pollinator Pathway! We are building biodiverse habits at key public buildings, along historic roads, and in private gardens throughout our rural community. One of our goals is to create gardens that host and feed pollinators, birds, and wildlife throughout the year. The gardens complement the vast tracks of conserved wetland, woodland, and prairie in our town of 50.3 square miles.
Town Gardens
The Butterfly Garden at Quaker's Corners
The Pollinator Garden at Quaker's Corners began as an idea to bring back the Clouded Sulphur to Lewis Creek rd in Charlotte, Vermont. Host plants for the Clouded Sulphur include wild lupine and wild senna. This is an ideal nesting ground for bumblebees. There is also a wide selection of host plants for Lepidoptera. The garden resides on the corner of Roscoe rd and Lewis Creek rd on private property. This project is a collaboration between neighbors who are concerned about our local pollinator population. In September 2021, we established this garden with the support of Ernie Pomeleau, Red Wagon Plants, and Ward Preston LLC.
For more information on this garden, a growing plant list, and volunteer information visit: https://jgardensvt.blogspot.com/p/the-pollinator-garden-at-quakers-corners.html
The Friendship Garden at Quaker's Corners
The Friendship Garden at Quaker's Corners is a pollinator garden on private property in East Charlotte. This garden has been established within the remains of a Quaker Schoolhouse located at the corner of Roscoe and Lewis Creek Rd, across from The Butterfly Garden at Quaker's Corners. The remains of the schoolhouse are simply a staircase and foundation. Within the foundation is a pollinator garden established by our small community. This garden is an ideal location for nesting bumblebees and contains a variety of host plants for Lepidoptera. a
For a complete plant list and information about supporters of this garden visit: https://jgardensvt.blogspot.com/p/the-friendship-garden-at-quaker-corners.html
The Butterfly Garden at the Quinlan Covered Bridge
The Butterfly Garden at Quinlan Covered Bridge is designed to support butterflies and pollinators throughout their entire lifecycle. There are multiple host plants for eggs and larva and food essentials for adult butterflies, including some great annuals. Established in 2019, our community transformed a barren patch of land at the intersection of Lewis Creek road into a pollinator paradise. This garden is located at the intersection where Lewis Creek runs under the well-known Quinlan Covered Bridge. This garden in a UVM Master Gardener volunteer location.
Come stop by and smell the flowers!
For frequent updates on this project, a complete plant list, list of supporting organizations, and volunteer information follow this garden: https://jgardensvt.blogspot.com/p/the-butterfly-garden-at-quinlan-bridge.html and on Instagram: Jgardensvt
Charlotte Library
115 Ferry Road, Charlotte, VT 05445
In 2019, we had the opportunity to reimagine and redesign the garden spaces around the library as part of our library expansion project. The new garden beds around the south end of the building were designed particularly to support pollinators with herbs and flowers such as echinacea, bee balm, feverfew, anise hyssop, and coreopsis. But in fact, all of the gardens connected to the library serve as pollinator areas as well. Butterflies and bees frequent the liatris, rudbeckias, astilbes and other flowering plants in the rain garden, as well as the cheery flowers of the vegetables that grow in the nearby raised beds of the library food garden.
408 Hinesburg Road, Charlotte, VT 05445
School/Community garden with a small orchard, an outdoor seating area, compost shed with solar panel and pollinator gardens. The solar panel and two additional pollinator lanes were installed by the town energy committee in the summer of 2021 to demonstrate compatible dual land use.
Write Julia at jgardensvt@gmail.com and get your garden listed today! Or click on the link below.
Our Partners
UVM Master Gardener, Charlotte Central School and Charlotte Town Library