Pollinator Pathway

The Windrush Creek Nature Initiative aims to educate and encourage the 39 homeowner association residents to incorporate native plants and shrubs into their landscape design. The project is a good, natural use of the POA’s landscaping “waste.” Neighbors bring their downed limbs, logs, and clean yard waste to a wood “compost” storage area. These materials create a “sustainable permaculture,” which greatly reduces the need to purchase soil for the new mounds in the project. (Presently, this structure is temporarily housing the locally collected materials that will be used to begin construction of the new pollinator and rain garden beds, as well as to stage further materials that will be used to install a new walking path through the same bed areas). The project will improve an area that is not used for any specific purpose and attract pollinators. Jefferson Township has indicated that they will share this project with other HOAs in the area. In addition, the rain garden will help reduce the erosion runoff problem and provide more native plants and shrubs for pollinators.
Our Partner
Franklin County Pollinator Pathway