Pollinator Pathway
Town of Rochester

Entire town is a Pollinator Pathway administered by the town Environmental Conservation Commission. Regarding maintenance of town-owned properties, the town, by Resolution, is pledged to foster native-plant pollinators and avoid practices that harm such plants and harm insect populations. The town has installed a native-plant garden at town hall. The Environmental Conservation Commission of the town is tasked with publicizing the Pollinator Pathway status and assisting residents to convert all or part of their lawns to native-plant meadows

Town Hall Native Rock Garden
50 Scenic Rd, Accord, NY 12404
The first native plant garden established for the Town. This garden has native pollinator plants adapted to full sun and rocky, gravelled soil. These will creep over the ground and establish a bright, colorful and dense ground cover. There is a great diversity of plants for the space, over 25. Installed by the Catskill Native Nursery.
For more information contact ecc@townofrochester.ny.gov