This summer, Pollinator Pathway hosted a webinar, Sharing Pollinator Pathway Success Stories. Pathway Community Organizers from across the country share successes, challenges, and lessons learned.
From Lower Merion and Narbeth, PA. Michelle Detweiler shared her success - A suburban Philadelphia Pathway in the region of the Eastern Northern Piedmont wanted to link the habitats of New England to those of Baltimore and Washington because “wildlife needs a way to cross political boundaries.”
With 175 properties on the map in Lower Merion and Narbeth, let’s make Michelle’s vision a reality by connecting more Pollinator Pathway communities from New England to Washington D.C.!
Now with 175 public and private properties on their Pathway, they attribute their success to strong partnerships with land conservancies, garden clubs, libraries, and civic associations, and from placing their gardens in highly visible locations like dog parks, and train stations. Their mission to educate led to a partnership with the local library whose pollinator garden became a significant teaching tool for children. Local Leader Michelle Detweiler said, “The Pollinator Pathway is so easy--it grows just through word of mouth!”
For more about the Merion and Narbeth Pathway, check out their website here.
To listen to the full webinar recording, click here. If you want to tune into Michelle’s ~10 minute section, start at 2:22.