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Moth Week! July 20-28


"Most consider butterflies the crown jewels of the Lepidoptera world, but

somewhere between where the trees meet the sky and shrubs anchor their roots

in the earth live some fantastic moths, which depend on woody plants for most if not

all of their lives. They range from large to small and soft to stinging. Some never eat as

adults and some feed on flowers during the day, right outside your window." Learn more about Moths and their Woody Host Plants HERE.

Photo of a Luna Moth by Karalyn Lamb

Moths are incredibly important pollinators, some even say they are more efficient than day-flying pollinators such as bees! "Moths are among the most diverse and successful organisms on Earth and scientists estimate there are 150,000 to 500,000 moth species. Their colors and patterns are either dazzling or so cryptic that they define camouflage. Most moths are nocturnal, but some fly in daylight like butterflies." Learn more about National Moth Week HERE!



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