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Bigger Than Bees: Neonic Pesticides Found to Cause Ecosystem-Wide Harms

Jana Hogan

Updated: Jan 14, 2022

By Mary Wilson

Neonicotinoids (neonics) are in the news again as area states inch forward to pass regulations to control this class of neurotoxic pesticides. In addition to causing dramatic decreases in bee populations, these pesticides have been shown to be responsible for far-reaching damage to other plant and animal life forms (including birds and people), as well as to soil and water resources. This Cornell University report looks at over 1000 studies of neonics’ effects on the environment. The NRDC has released this summary of the report and is working with Pollinator Pathway towns to promote state laws restricting these widely used pesticides.

Right now, New York residents, your state has a bill pending to restrict use! Call your state representative and urge passage. Here is an update on New York's bill, what is happening in other states.



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