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The Trustees' Farandnear Reservation

The Trustees' Farandnear Reservation
The Trustees' Farandnear Reservation
The Trustees' Farandnear Reservation

The 89 acres of The Trustees’ Farandnear Reservation includes an arboretum and formal garden area, along with wooded trails, wetlands, and fields of native wildflowers. Some of the pollinator plants and trees in the garden include Redbud, Tulip Tree, Native Dogwoods, Sweet Pepperbush, Native Rhododendron, Fall Aster, Coneflower, Brown-eyed Susan, and Bee Balm. Along the trails and in the meadows we find Serviceberry, Red Maple, Mountain Laurel, Sumac, Trailing Arbutus, Bloodroot, Hepatica, Bluets, Jewelweed, Buttonbush, Milkweed, Joe-Pye Weed, Cardinal Flower, Meadowsweet, Goldenrod, Aster, Cranberry, Marsh Marigold, and Blue Flag Iris.

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