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PO Box 49
4 types of willow, 2 types of oak, choke cherry, choke berry, native elderberry, bayberry, winterberry, virbinum, Nannyberry, service berry, 3 kinds of dogwood, elm, 3 kinds of hickory, silver and red maple, native rhododendron, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, native iris, black eyed Susan’s, echinacea, poke berry, common milkweed, swamp milkweed, butterfly weed, button bushes, bee balms, black cohosh, common boneset, self-heal, yarrow, fringe loosestrife, wild mints, horse balm, blue verbena, many goldenrods, cottonwood aspens, linden, herbs, jewel weed, poison Ivy, common evening primrose, asters, violets, may apple, jack in the pulpit, nettles, and many more.
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