70 Iron Mine Lane
This garden is a one-acre woodland shade garden and managed wildlife habitat (according to the National Wildlife Federation's criteria). It is situated in a small neighborhood enclave surrounded by state protected forest and maximizes native/wild plants to support animal and insect species. The size of the original lawn has been reduced to allow patches of Clover, Ragged Robin, Self-heal, Violets, and moss to grow. Other native pollinators on the property include Agastache, Betony, Bloodroot, Blue-Eyed Grasses, Blueberry Bush, Canada Anemone, Canada Mayflower, Cardinal Flowers, Carolina Lupine, Clover, Columbine, Daisy Fleabane, Dame’s Rocket, Elderberry Bush, Enchanter’s Nightshade, Evening Primrose, False Solomon Seal, Fringed Willowherb, Goatsbeard, Goldenrods, Golden Groundsel, Grapevine, Hawkweed, Interrupted Fern, Jack in Pulpits, Jerusalem Artichokes, Jewelweed, Joe Pye Weed, Ladies Thumb, Lupine, Mapleleaf Viburnum, Marsh Marigold, Meadowsweet, Ninebark, Oxe-eye Daisy, Pokeweed, Pussywillows, Ragged Robin, Raspberries, Richweed, Robin's Plantain, Rudebeckia, Selfheal, Snakeweed, Spicebush, St. John's Wort, Strawberries, Trillium (red & white), Violets, Virginia Rose, White Avens, White Baneberry, White Turtlehead, Wild Geranium, Wild Sasaprilla, Wood Anemones, Wood & Tall Asters, and Yarrow. A variety of native ferns and trees are also in the garden, including American Hornbeam, Carolina Silverbell, Catalpa, Chokecherries, Christmas Ferns, Cinnamon Ferns, Elder, Hay-Scented Ferns, Hickory, Maiden Hair Ferns, Maples, Marginal Wood Fern, Native Dogwoods, Oaks, Paper Birch, Hawthornes, Hemlock, River Birch, American Redbud, Sassafras Tree, Sensitive Ferns, Serviceberry, White Ash, White Pines, Winterberry, Witch-Hazels, and Willow. Cultivar pollinators supplement the garden, including Allium, Azaleas, Bee Balm, Butterfly Bushes, Clematis, Chives, Coneflowers, Coreopsis, Crapapple Tree, Daphne, Day Lilies, Gooseneck Loosestrife, Holly, Honeysuckle, Hostas, Mountain Mint, Penstemon, Peonies, Phlox, Rhododendrons, Roses, Rose of Sharons, Sedum, Speedwell, Sundrops, Sweet Woodruff, and Vinca.