20 Whitaker Place
white oak, red & silver maple, sweetgum, shagbark hickory, black cherry, pussy willow, ash, hackberry, redbud, several species of dogwood, elderberry, hazelnut, american holly, winterberry holly, sweet pepperbush, red chokeberry, purple chokecherry, inkberry holly, cranberry viburnum, arrowwood viburnum, marsh rose, marsh mallow (hibiscus), button bush, joe pye, common, butterfly weed and swamp milkweeds, multiple species of goldenrod, white turtlehead, blue flag iris, evening primrose, wild blue indigo and yellow baptisia, yarrow, big bluestem, wild geranium, columbine, foam flower, several species of ferns, ragwort, white snakeroot, broom sedge, Pennsylvania sedge, dogbane, box elder, false sunflower, marsh marigold, eastern spring beauty, purple coneflower, trout lily, may apple, strawberry bush (euonymus americanus), boneset, white wood aster, american beech, woodland strawberry, witch hazel, oakleaf hydrangea, virginia sweetspire, cardinal flower, great blue lobelia, monkey flower, trumpet honeysuckle, virginia bluebells, wild bergamot, virginia creeper, foxglove beardtongue, hairy beardtongue, common ninebark, obedient plant, american sycamore, solomon seal, Rhododendron canadense, orange coneflower, black-eyed susan, broadleaf arrowhead, New England aster, highbush blueberry, NY Ironweed, common blue violet, scarlet beebalm, culver's, american hornbeam, anise hyssop root and a few others too