Melanie Hollas
Board Member

Melanie Hollas is co-founder and co-chair of Pollinator Pathway Stamford, launched in spring 2020. Her love of the natural environment and concern with climate related issues drew her to serve on the Stamford Parks and Recreation Commission and to attain a Master Gardener certification from UCONN Master Gardener program at Bartlett Arboretum & Gardens extension. She is a longtime member of the Glenbrook Neighborhood Association (GNA) , volunteering on the GNA Design Review Committee and the Street Tree Planting Committee. Recently, through Pollinator Pathway Stamford and the Parks and Recreation Commission, she has become more involved with Stamford's urban forest. Melanie also serves on the board of the national Pollinator Pathway. She has practiced in the field of architecture for over 20 years, but her real love has become the plant world.