The Bedford Pollinator Pathway is a collaboration of Bedford residents and landowners, the Town of Bedford, and conservation organizations focused on the strategic planning, and stewardship of privately-held and publicly-held land to establish habitat and food sources for pollinating insects and wildlife.
Bedford 2020, Bedford Audubon, the Bedford garden clubs, Healthy Yards and The Westchester Land Trust are all working together on the Pollinator Pathways in the Town of Bedford, NY. The goal is to support the pollinators in our town, but also to raise awareness about more sustainable landscaping practices in general. Everyone is welcome to join the Pathways: individual homeowners, organizations, store owners, schools, and town-managed landscapes.

There are many ways in which you can be part of the Pollinator Pathways:
Sign up your garden, or a school, or a storefront
Show others you have a pollinator-friendly garden with one of our signs. Click here >
Join us on Social Media. Click here >
Sign up for our email updates. Just send an email to>
Have even more fun with this: Download the iNaturalist app and join the the Biodiversity of Bedford Project. Click here >
We are populating this GIS map with pollinator pathway participants and hope to link protected land throughout Bedford and connect to pathways in neighboring towns.
To learn more about the Bedford Pollinator Pathway, receive info about events, activities and residential outreach:
Fiona Mitchell, Healthy Yards or 914.261.4986
To sign up for the Westchester Pollinators Newsletter email