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Another gardening year is coming to an end! PPS had a very productive year and we wanted to share with you what we were able to accomplish with your help.

  • PPS’s Earth Day Native Tree project was a success! With the help of the City, and because of everyone that volunteered to water the newly planted trees from June through September, we are thrilled to report that we did not lose one of the 37 trees we planted! All because you helped us water- Thank you!

  • A PPS co-chair was interviewed for an article called ‘The Incredible Shrinking Lawn’ in CT Magazine’s March issue. The article explained why biodiversity is important and how easy it is to take steps to reduce the amount of lawn to help attract pollinators. If you haven’t read it, you'll find it interesting!

  • PPS successfully staffed information tables at multiple events this past year including Stamford Museum and Nature Center, Designs By Lee, the Honey Harvest Festival at the Bartlett Arboretum & Gardens, Fairgate Farm, and HarborFest21. Interested in helping at a future event? Email us!

  • At HarborFest21, PPS signed up over 70 volunteers to help start a Friends of Kosciuszko Park. Interested in participating? Email us []!

  • Future 5 helped PPS expand the pollinator garden at Heritage Park.

  • PPS maintained a pollinator garden at the Glenbrook Train Station and Cove Island Park. Interested in helping maintain or starting a pollinator garden? Email us!

  • PPS organized a fall invasive plant clean-up at Chestnut Hill Park in October with the help of Solvay and 13 volunteers. In under 4 hours the group filled 36 garbage bags full of invasive debris. Let’s keep the momentum going and maintain this effort in 2022.

  • PPS winter sowed hundreds of native seeds and distributed free seedlings at multiple events. We will be handing out more in 2022. Keep checking back to PPS’s webpage to find out where we will be.

  • PPS voiced public support for the new Ordinance prohibiting the use and application of non-organic substances on City-owned properties. Thank you to everyone who either spoke at the public hearing or submitted support in writing.

We would love to hear from you about what you would like to see from PPS in the coming year. Do you have ideas for educational events, gardens, or other suggestions?

Email us at

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @PollinatorPathwayStamford for gardening tips, up-to-date information or just for a beautiful photo to inspire you AND CHECK OUT our webpage. PPS will focus on Birds in 2022. The webpage lists how you may participate in bird counts going on NOW!

Thank you for joining PPS’s effort to keep Stamford safe for all our pollinators!

Pollinator Pathway Stamford 2021 Accomplishments

Becky Collins

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