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Inspiring, Educating And Supporting Diverse Communities Working Together To Restore And Connect Habitat For Pollinators

Photo By Karalyn Lamb

What is a Pollinator Pathway?

Public and private pesticide-free corridors of native plants that provide nutrition and habitat for pollinating insects and birds. Even the smallest green spaces, like flower boxes and curb strips, can be part of a pathway.

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Free Webinar
Sam Droege, Renowned Native Bee Expert


“The Best Place for Native Bees is in Your Garden!”


​Let Sam take you on a deep dive into the relationship between native plants and the keystone species in nearly all terrestrial ecosystems--native bees. The survival of native bees is rooted in conserving a diversity of native plants. Learn why native bees are so important and how your landscaping practices impact these creatures. Learn, too, about the plants needed by our rarest “specialist” bees who gather pollen from a single family, genus, or even a single plant species, and are most in need of conservation. Photo right: A colorful green sweat bee, a species that frequently visits native plants in residential yards.

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